Feb 21, 2011

O Porto

A short weekend in wonderful Porto, Portugal - visiting my brother who is studing architecture there. Great climate, tasty food (fish + enormous portions!) and delicious porto (in Vila Nova de Gaia). The city is magic! I also met my blogger friend Maison Chaplin...

O Cementerio


Treze a rir uns dos outros - by Juan Muño, Jardim da Cordoaria

Everytime I remember (even if just remembering) these men I start laughing! "Ridere a crepapelle" gives you the perfect nuance! These pieces of art are really achieving their purpose...

Tia Aninha - Ponte da Arrábida

Comida super boa! Great food, enormous portions and very cheap!


Livraria Lello & Irmao, 1906

The most incredible bookstore ever seen! Last visit pics here http://on.fb.me/hkWsqV

Igreja com azulejos
Casa da Música
Ponte D. Luís I, 1886 by Eiffel disciple, Theophile Seyrig

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